Sunday, February 10, 2013

Salt Creek January

Salt Creek
 Thursday January 29, 2013
AIR & WATER TEMP: air 50 water 55
Stratus Opacus Clouds, stormy weather
light drizzle
rippled water
3-4ft surf, occasional 5ft
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

Th  29      Low   2:24 AM     2.2   6:37 AM     Set  7:27 AM      99
    29     High   8:28 AM     5.8   4:44 PM    Rise  5:51 PM
    29      Low   3:54 PM    -0.4
    29     High  10:21 PM     3.6

a few people, no animals

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Newport December

Newport 32nd St.
December 16th 2012
2:30 PM
Water Temp 58
partly cloudy skies
choppy water
2-3 Fair NW swell
W   26      Low   1:32 AM     0.0   6:43 AM     Set  3:22 AM      81
    26     High   7:47 AM     4.8   6:42 PM    Rise  4:38 PM
    26      Low   1:41 PM     1.3
    26     High   7:32 PM     5.4 
no animals 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Trip to the aquarium

things i learned at the aquarium...
1) seals like skittles
2) Birds like Adam
3) other stuff

Friday, November 30, 2012

Salt Creek November

Salt Creek
 Thursday November 29, 2012
AIR & WATER TEMP: air 62 water 59
Stratus Opacus Clouds, stormy weather
light drizzle
rippled water
3-4ft surf, occasional 5ft
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

Th  29      Low   2:24 AM     2.2   6:37 AM     Set  7:27 AM      99
    29     High   8:28 AM     5.8   4:44 PM    Rise  5:51 PM
    29      Low   3:54 PM    -0.4
    29     High  10:21 PM     3.6
lots of people, no animals


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dana Point October/tidepools

Dana Point
October 23, 2012
2:30 Pm
AIR TEMP 78-85
clear skies
Glassy water, minimal chop
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

Su  18      Low   2:57 AM    -0.2   6:37 AM     Set  5:46 AM      96
    18     High   9:01 AM     5.5   6:54 PM    Rise  6:20 PM
    18      Low   3:11 PM     0.5
    18     High   9:09 PM     5.7
observed the tide pools teaming with life 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Newport September

Newport 32nd St.
September 26 2012
4:00 PM
AIR TEMP: 75-78F
clear skies
glassy water with few distant white caps
4-5ft surf WNW swell

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

W   26      Low   1:32 AM     0.0   6:43 AM     Set  3:22 AM      81
    26     High   7:47 AM     4.8   6:42 PM    Rise  4:38 PM
    26      Low   1:41 PM     1.3
    26     High   7:32 PM     5.4 
no animals to be seen, unless you count a dogs being walked 


Monday, September 3, 2012

Crystal Cove Spear Fishing

Some time ago me and some friends went spear fishing at Crystal Cove. It was an overcast day and the water had low visibility. The GoPro footage ended up hard to see but the day was still fun. I went with Justice Courtney and Tom Barns and we took home 2 fish that I have yet to identify. At first I thought it was a yellowfin Croaker but the fish we caught did not really resemble them. 
                                            If you can Identify please comment

I had a run in with a couple sting rays. If you look to the sand below my feet you can see them moving below me. I didn't see them until seconds before I released my spear but that is pretty obvious in my reaction.